• Sermon

    2nd Sunday of Easter

    Confusion and doubt reigned supreme on the Sunday of Jesus’ resurrection and the following days. Those of us who attended weekday Masses last week or followed the daily gospel readings might have seen that for ourselves. For example, last Friday, we heard about the Risen Christ, initially unrecognised, appearing to his disciples on the shore of the Galilean lake after…

  • Sermon

    Easter Vigil

    Life can be really hard when troubles start piling up. Sometimes, having just dealt with a problem, we have to face another one; sometimes, it feels like we are surrounded by challenges with no obvious solution or way out. Three women in today’s gospel, who have just lost Jesus and barely started mourning Him, wondered how to open up the…

  • Sermon

    Good Friday

    It’s been a rather long story. Its central character was Jesus (obviously), and the main plot was his prolonged suffering, consequently leading to his painful death on the cross. But, honestly, when you temporarily put aside your Christian perspective, the Passion of Jesus isn’t particularly unique. So many people have suffered in many a horrific way; so many have felt…

  • Sermon - Year B

    5th Sunday of Lent

    My restless mind is rarely pleased with the status quo. It’s always looking for learning opportunities, whether new hobbies or skills. Several years ago, inspired by a particularly hot Scottish summer, I became interested in growing trees – not just any trees, mind you. I didn’t own the land, and my residency, by definition, isn’t permanent. Bonsai, the Japanese-style miniature…

  • Sermon - Year B

    3rd Sunday of Lent

    It took ten days or so to cover the distance of about 200 miles between my home county and the national Marian shrine of Jasna Góra (The Bright Mount). A walking pilgrimage that was a staple of my summer for eleven years. Except for the very first one, I was involved in organising and running those walking pilgrimages in various…