• Sermon - Year B

    3rd Sunday of Lent

    It took ten days or so to cover the distance of about 200 miles between my home county and the national Marian shrine of Jasna Góra (The Bright Mount). A walking pilgrimage that was a staple of my summer for eleven years. Except for the very first one, I was involved in organising and running those walking pilgrimages in various…

  • Sermon - Year B

    2nd Sunday of Lent

    The three-day-long journey was excruciating and exhausting, not so much physically as mentally. With every step closer to the destination, the weight of the inevitable was getting heavier and heavier. At the same time, there was nobody to share it with, to talk about, despite having his long-expected and dearly loved son as his companion for the journey. Abraham felt…

  • Sermon - Year B

    1st Sunday of Lent

    Agnes, Babet, Ciarán, Debi, Elin, Fergus, Gerrit, Henk, Isha, and Jocelyn; these are the names of nine storms that have affected the UK over the last five months. They just topped the overall challenging weather conditions last autumn and this winter. It feels like it’s been raining (or snowing) all the time, with only a day or two of respite…

  • Sermon - Year B

    6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    As I emerged from the sacristy to start Mass, I instantly spotted in the pews a couple of people I hadn’t seen in ages and hadn’t expected to see there and then. We knew each other from a previous parish of mine in quite a distant past.  It was a lovely surprise, so much so that, at the end of…

  • Sermon - Year B

    5th Sunday in Ordinary time

    There’s a lot of excitement going on in today’s gospel. The locals were thrilled by Jesus’ presence among them in their synagogue. Then, the news of Simon’s mother-in-law having been miraculously healed by Jesus spread like wildfire in the neighbourhood, and soon after sunset, when the Sabbath day restrictions were over, the house where Jesus was staying was besieged by…