• Sermon - Year B

    10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    “It’s not you, it’s me” is often used when a couple splits up. On the face of it, it’s intended to soften the blow as the acting party takes the blame. But in reality, it means: “It’s you, not me. You haven’t met my expectations and standards, or you have disappointed me one way or another.” Most people instinctively blame…

  • Sermon - Year B

    Corpus Christi

    Adverts. Unavoidable, omnipresent, and – to most – a bit irritating, particularly when they clutter the website and make its actual content near-impossible to get to. The advertising platforms on the internet claim their adverts are targeted. Based on what kinds of adverts appear on my internet browser, apparently, I’m a pet owner who feeds it premium cat food; I…

  • Sermon - Year B

    4th Sunday of Easter

    Two rare events were predicted and expected to happen this year. One of them has already taken place; it was awe-inspiring for those who witnessed it, but it was short-lived, highly localised (though accessible to many by proxy thanks to the mass media) and had no serious consequences for anyone. I’m talking about the total eclipse of the Sun on…

  • Sermon - Year B

    3rd Sunday of Easter

    How do you convince someone to believe you, trust your promises, take up your offer, and so on? Obviously, it depends on many factors in play, but generally speaking, there are three main tools at hand: reasonable or logical arguments, evidence, and handling. In fact, these three are most often employed together. A tangible piece of evidence needs a description…

  • Sermon - Year B

    5th Sunday of Lent

    My restless mind is rarely pleased with the status quo. It’s always looking for learning opportunities, whether new hobbies or skills. Several years ago, inspired by a particularly hot Scottish summer, I became interested in growing trees – not just any trees, mind you. I didn’t own the land, and my residency, by definition, isn’t permanent. Bonsai, the Japanese-style miniature…